Group Therapist
Healing the Hate Within
As LGBTQ+ identified persons growing up in a heteronormative world, many in the queer community experience repeated negative messaging from an early age. Over time, recurring exposure to homonegative microaggressions and social stigma can teach individuals to hide, ignore, and in many cases internalize hate for who they are.
"The trauma of growing up LGBTQ+ can be acute, but for the most part it is chronic and insidious. The internalization of this trauma can manifest in symptoms such as impairment of basic trust, negative effects on identity, negative impact on play and relationships with others, and excessive interpersonal sensitivity." Joe Kort
Psychodrama is an experiential approach, that integrates guided role-playing techniques, dramatic enactment, and spontaneous improvisation. It is effective because it renegotiates trauma while providing a sense of containment, control, creativity, fun, and empowerment in the process.
Psychodrama has been proven to:
Reduce shame and guilt
Increase connectedness
Strengthen interpersonal relationships
Improve confidence and self-esteem
Build self-awareness and mindfulness
Create queer social support
In this group/workshop, we use Psychodrama techniques and action methods to engage in a series of activities designed to bring common LGBTQ+ themes, feelings, and thoughts safely forward to be explored. The process of open communication, sharing, and collective awareness creates a supportive environment for building community and healing from our own internal judgement.